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Image Folder for Heindl Lüftungstechnik GmbH

Image Folder

Views 26 set 03/2019

Fume Extractor Hoods and Ventilation Ceilings of the international company Heindl are energie efficient, have a high-performance and are innovativ. The Image-Folder portraits the companys traits perfectly. The 8-page long gate fold gives it a nice clear structure. Furthermore the layout achieves an ästethic, informative and handy brochure. As Paper we chose the Metapaper EXTRAMATT White 300gsm. It was produced at Burger][Druck. The paper is stable and lays comfortable in the consumers hands – the brochure reflects the image of our client spot on: high quality and efficiency.

Printing house

Burger Druck GmbH



Agency / customer

Freunde der guten Idee GmbH / Heindl Lüftungsdecken GmbH

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