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Touch, Feel & Love


Views 25 set 09/2021

We can't deny it. We love paper. We love the smell, the feel, and the endless possibilities for using beautiful, tactile paper – and we wanted to make that clear with this flyer. In today’s increasingly digital world, it is the things that we can touch that we hold most special. And this is where print and paper add value to communications. Creating a special haptic and visual (communication) experience with print enhances the message to a heightened sensory level – increasing effectiveness. Inspiring and connecting on multiple sensory levels will hopefully encourage customers and recipients to engage with the message – keeping the flyer and passing it on to others. That’s our goal.
In our opinion, that's exactly what print media can do: inspire and be shared with other people.

Original text: Druckerei Schöneweiß



Agency / customer

Druckerei Schöneweiß GmbH

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