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Nino – Print Guide Magazine Edition 01


Views 26 set 08/2018

Nino’s "print guide magazine Edition 01" focuses on the topic of "communication". Irrespective of the medium, whether digital or print, the focus is always on effective "communication". Readers of the magazine will learn more about the various communication tools available to Nino, insight to best practice examples such as "The Tree of Life", references to special print projects and information on Nino’s partner and friend Metapaper!

The magazine was self-published at Nino on an HP Indigo press using Metapaper EXTRAMATT Coldwhite 300gsm for the cover and Metapaper SMOOTH Coldwhite 120gsm and Metapaper EXTRAROUGH Coldwhite150gsm across the content and text pages. To protect the bound booklet the envelope was cellophaned on one side and additionally finished with Scodix Relief varnish.

Printing house

Nino Druck GmbH



Agency / customer

Nino Druck GmbH

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