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OE9 – The Female Gaze Issue


Views 26 set 10/2017

»(...) I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me.«

The focus for OE issue 9 is WOMEN. The idea for the issue emerged from a desire to support women in the fashion industry and the editors developed the content in partnership with groups of extremely talented women in the industry. Rich content, beautiful paper (combining an extensive selection of Metapaper papers) and wonderful open-thread red stitch bindery, courtesy of print house Heenemann, has helped create a very impressive publication. The magazine is also available with a selection of different covers each containing one of the five EMBOSSED papers LINEN, LEATHER, MICRO, STONE and WOOD in 300gsm. 

And as if that wasn’t enough, the magazine also premiered the world's whitest coated paper: Metapaper EXTRAMATT Coldwhite.



Agency / customer

OE / Studio Maven / Arne Eberle

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