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Auf weiter Illu

With Pen & a couple of beer "Auf Weiter Flur"

Views 26 set 07/2016

The independent »Auf Weiter Flur« festival takes place just outside the green city of Münster, Germany. In the summer of 2016 the festival also included a small group of illustrators (Markus Könninger, Lennart Leipold, Benjamin Bertram, Till Machmer) who collected sketches and impressions of the festival on paper. Gathered together and collated into a magazine, the drawings were reproduced as two-colour Risography (teal & fluorescent Pink) by Takk on Metapaper EXTRAROUGH (White 270 gsm & Warmwhite 150 gsm). The result is a 30-page publication that feels like a trip through the festival weekend.



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Auf weiter Flur Festival

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