Wedding Invitation Cards
Whether a city, municipality, state, country or continent, all societies are composed of individual fragments which form together to create the beautiful mosaic that is humanity.
"We need a special Christmas card this year."
We heard this sentence countless times in 2020. But how do we make real the imaginations that have been in and on our minds since the beginning of this signpost year? How do we visualise our cities social cohesion? We decided to embrace the mosaic – with each unique ‘tile’ symbolically representing a different part of the city and for each individual citizen – all of whom exist in individual isolation but who all come together to create the larger whole.
To draw attention to the threat of climate change and to address aspects of social responsibility we selected ecoFIBRES NATURAL GREEN. Climate change, like Corona, is an existential threat to our way of life and it is our behaviours that will determine the final picture created by our individual mosaics.
Original Text: Druckerei Schöneweiß
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Philipp-Soldan-Stadt Fraunkenberg (Eder)
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