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Zodiac Sign Pig

Zodiac sign card set

Views 25 set 12/2019

The Pig is the last one of the 12 Chinese animals of the zodiac and is represented in the Metapaper zodiac card set. The card set was produced by our Print Partner, Gallery Print, in cooperation with Factor Design, PAGE Magazine, Metapaper and with support from Mohawk. The goal of the project was to create a print product that would not only inspire agencies, designers and all print and paper lovers but also give personal and personality insights to support their daily work practices. You can find more information on the project in the Metapaper Blog.

We had to use pink paper to present the pink pig: ROUGH 5% Rosewhite. The background letter benefitted from a stunning pantone magenta and who wouldn’t want a little bit of glitter? So we added a hot foil finish on top. Et voilà, the shiny result is done.

Printing house

Gallery Print

Agency / customer

Factor / Metapaper

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