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The Pepper Hill

Cards with hot foil stamping in bronze

Views 25 set 09/2020

Original cards for The Pepper Hill is a farm in the Kampot province of Cambodia growing high quality pepper varieties using traditional cultivation methods. To tell their story a series of original cards were created which combined Metapaper EXTRAROUGH white 350gsm with striking bronze hot foil.
Print has a future because we have been observing for many years that the trend towards unusual print products is growing rapidly. In this context, we are happy to recommend the EXTRAROUGH to our customers. For the reason that the EXTRAROUGH not only impresses with its haptic but is also a very suitable for surface printing. In addition, the drying properties are helpful for quick processing.
Text & image: Dynamik Druck

Printing house

Dynamik Druck GmbH



Agency / customer

Kreativmarkt Handels GmbH

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