10 Years of CXI – Europe's biggest Corporate Design Conference

Conferences 06/12/2018

CXI 2017 stage

The key questions of the conference:

"What defines the effec­tive­ness of a cor­po­rate or brand iden­ti­ty project? What exact­ly is need­ed, from both client and agency? And how can such a com­plex process be imple­ment­ed in a way that works?"- CXI Conference

The topicality of these questions are addressed by the CXI. With more than 900 visitors last year, CXI is the largest corporate and brand identity conference in Europe. And it will take place for the 10th time in 2018 – with another exciting program. Those speaking at the event include BBC UX & D (London), Youtube (San Bruno), Saffron Brand Consultants (Madrid), Commerzbank (Frankfurt am Main) and many more. The full list of speakers can be found here. The program is located here.

Metapaper is the exclusive paper partner of CXI in 2018 and we are happy to be there on-site with our print partner Letterjazz. We have a lot of news and great paper, like the world's whitest paper EXTRAMATT Coldwhite, to share with you and to help you put your ideas into practice.

The key data:

When: 15 June 2018, 9.30am - 6pm
Where: Ringlokschuppen, Stadtheider Straße 11, 33609 Bielefeld


See you in Bielefeld!


Photo: CXI conference

The CXI Conference has been carried out since 2009 by the FH Bielefeld as a project from the Department of Design. More information about the CXI can be found at cxi-konferenz.org



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